Lasting care

Belico's high-class pre­pa­ra­tions are designed for trea­ting a broad and loyal range of custo­mers expec­ting las­ting care.

Belico is inspired by natural pro­ducts and does not use any con­tro­ver­sial che­mi­cals, par­a­bene, perfume, PEG, animal ing­re­di­ents, mineral oil, mineral wax or sili­cone oils.

Since com­plex perfume mix­tures are among the most common allergy trig­gers, we use only selected ethe­real oils in our pre­pa­ra­tions. One wel­come benefit is that they can be app­lied regard­less of sex.




Accor­dingly, the com­pa­ti­bi­lity of our pre­pa­ra­tions is very high and our pro­prie­tary patent-pen­ding Bio­Tech for­mula pro­vides for con­vin­cing results in skin care, figh­ting skin pro­b­lems and pro­vi­ding effi­cient anti-aging. That is war­ranted, for example, by the deeply pene­t­ra­ting multi-shell lipo­somes intro­du­cing con­cen­t­rated agents even into lower skin layers. Valuable natural oils, vita­mins, plant essences and skin- or nature-identical ing­re­di­ents con­tri­bute to war­ran­ting a visible impro­ve­ment of your com­ple­xion. All care pro­ducts have been der­ma­to­lo­gi­cally tested with best results and are per­fectly suited even for mecha­nical tre­at­ment.

Our pro­ducts are available only from aut­ho­rised dea­lers.

P BelicoProdukte

The assort­ment includes about
150 pro­ducts:

> Expert-Line
> Effect-Line
> Zero-Line


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