Questionable ingredients

Check your cos­metics pre­pa­ra­tions!
Many cos­metics manu­fac­tu­rers place their emphasis on quick effect. For example, sili­cones are used to fill wrin­kles. From the customer's point of view this may be a quickly visible suc­cess, but in the long term, the skin does not get any air to breathe and its natural rege­ne­ra­tion is impaired. Skin damage can result from con­ti­nuous app­li­ca­tion. Mineral oils and waxes derived from petro­leum have the same pro­per­ties. They smooth the sur­face of the skin but can also block pores, pro­mo­ting impu­ri­ties.

Belico pre­pa­ra­tions do not con­tain such ques­tionable ing­re­di­ents. A few of these sub­stances follow here: taking a bit of a closer look is defini­tely bene­fi­cial.

Mineral oil and mineral waxes
These are syn­thetic oils or waxes derived from petro­leum which, at higher con­cen­t­ra­tions, can seal the skin and pro­mote the deve­lop­ment of pim­ples. More­over, petro­leum com­pon­ents are also sus­pected to have car­ci­no­genic pro­per­ties.
Poten­tial INCI names: Cera Micro­cri­s­tal­lina, Cere­sine, Iso­he­xa­de­cane, Mineral Oil, Ozo­ke­rite, Paraffin (Oil), Paraf­finum Liquidum, Petro­latum, Vase­line …


Sili­cone oils
Sili­cone com­pon­ents can imp­re­g­nate and develop an occlu­sive effect (plastic-bag effect). They are used to improve the skin fee­ling, some act as emul­si­fier, con­sis­tency regu­lator or sol­vent.
Poten­tial INCI names: Cyc­lo­he­xa­siloxanes, Cyc­lo­pen­ta­siloxanes, Dime­thi­cones, any INCI names inclu­ding methi­cone or siloxane.

Beyond the desired pre­ser­va­tive power of the pro­duct, par­a­bens are intended to con­tinue their effect in the human body. Resi­dues of par­a­bens have been found in cancer tumours, which is why they are sus­pected of pro­mo­ting cancer. Par­a­bens alle­gedly have a hor­mone-like effect on the body and a high risk of allergy as well. Accor­ding to latest stu­dies, a cle­arly altered hor­mone level can already be found in the human body after three days of using par­aben-con­tai­ning cos­metic pro­ducts.

Pos­sible INCI names: Butyl­pa­r­aben, Ethyl­pa­r­aben, Iso­butyl­pa­r­aben, Methyl­pa­r­aben, Pro­pyl­pa­r­aben …

Perfumes are very com­plex fra­grance mix­tures with up to hund­reds of fra­grances. They are among the most common allergy trig­gers. For pur­poses of tole­ra­bi­lity, perfumes should be excluded from care pre­pa­ra­tions.

Pos­sible INCI names: aroma, fra­grance, perfume.


Come­do­genic sub­stances
Other than the mineral oils already men­tioned, there are a number of sub­stances sus­pected to pro­mote the deve­lop­ment of pim­ples.

Pos­sible INCI names: Eucerin, Iso­propyl myri­state, Iso­propyl Pal­mi­tate, Iso­propyl Stea­rate, Lanolin …

Sub­stances con­sis­ting of PEG and PPG
They act as solu­bi­li­zing agents, emul­si­fiers and ten­s­ides and cause a more or less severe was­hout of sys­temic lipides from the skin. In other words, they impair the func­tion of the skin bar­rier and can have an irri­ta­ting effect. They can also pro­mote acne aes­ti­valis with sen­si­tive people.

INCI names inclu­ding word ele­ments like: Cetea­reth, Ceteth, Ceteoleth, Lau­reth, Oleth, PPG, PEG, Poly­sor­bate, Pareth, Stea­reth …





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