Application instructions

Please, follow the fol­lo­wing instruc­tions to pro­duce the ulti­mate effects of Belico pro­ducts and utmost impro­ve­ment of your com­ple­xion.

No perfume
Perfume is one of the most common allergy trig­gers and might be intro­duced into the skin by the lipo­somes pre­sent.

With multi-shell lipo­somes
For Belico BASIC CARE, this spe­cial car­rier system also trans­ports the ing­re­di­ents of any sub­se­qu­ently app­lied cos­metics pre­pa­ra­tion into the skin. Do not apply any third-party pro­duct right after BASIC CARE because it might con­tain sub­stances that are not suited for your skin.

Wit­hout petro­leum deri­va­tives
Belico pre­pa­ra­tions do not include petro­leum deri­va­tives that might be res­pon­sible for the for­ma­tion of comedo or impair skin func­tions. Select your make-up, powder, sun and body lotion appro­pria­tely to visibly reduce the for­ma­tion of comedo and pro­tect your skin bar­rier per­ma­nently.



Posi­tive trans­po­si­tion reac­tion
Besides a fee­ling of ten­sion or dry­ness on the skin or ting­ling, pas­sing red­de­ning or pim­ples can appear. This shows only that a cle­an­sing reac­tion has begun. In this case the care should be simply con­ti­nued. The trans­po­si­tion of the skin is usually accom­p­lished no later than after 4 to 6 weeks and your com­ple­xion looks much cleaner and fairer. If you are not cer­tain, please, ask your spe­cia­list Belico beauti­cian.

Sen­si­tive agents and natural oils
That's why our care pro­ducts should be used up within 6 months and stored at a cool and dark place.

As natural as pos­sible
The colour, fra­grance and con­sis­tency of our pre­pa­ra­tions are sub­ject to natural varia­tions because we do not add any sta­bi­li­sing colo­rings and perfume.

Belico dis­penser bottles
Some Belico bottles have a recessed rim at their bottom. It may seem then that the con­t­ents cannot be com­p­le­tely used up. In case of doubt, unscrew the bottle, turn it upside down and shake out any­t­hing that's left.


P BelicoProdukte

The assort­ment includes about
150 pro­ducts:

> Expert-Line
> Effect-Line
> Zero-Line


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