Vegan cosmetics – can I use Belico if I am vegan?

Health awa­re­ness and a res­pon­sible attitude of our society with regard to pro­tec­ting nature and environ­ment are beco­ming wide­s­p­read. This also affects daily skin care. The vegan life­style derives from this worthwhile attitude.

What does 'vegan life­style' at all mean? In short, people living vegan reject the con­sump­tion of pro­ducts with animal ing­re­di­ents. This includes food derived from ani­mals, egg and milk pro­ducts, as well as clot­hing, foot­wear, access­o­ries, lea­ther fur­nis­hings and cos­metics with ing­re­di­ents derived from or tested at ani­mals. The vegan life­style is very dif­fi­cult to main­tain espe­cially with regard to clea­ning agents and drugs because they or their ing­re­di­ents may still be tested at ani­mals.

Cos­metics labelled vegan should not con­tain any ing­re­di­ents deri­ving from or tested on ani­mals. Alas, the term 'vegan' is neither legally defined nor pro­tected, mea­ning that even vegan cos­metics pro­ducts are not neces­sa­rily pro­duced wit­hout resor­ting to animal expe­ri­ments.

Belico is com­mitted to pro­tec­ting nature and its resources. Using animal ing­re­di­ents is dis­pensed with in the deve­lop­ment and pro­duc­tion of our care and cos­metics pro­ducts. Only the Belico lip­sticks and cover sticks con­tain beeswax and CON­CEN­T­RATE V con­tains pro­polis. In this case, however, atten­tion is paid to proper har­ves­ting during purchase. Beside vegan, eco­lo­gical cri­teria are taken into account, which is why Belico pro­ducts are posi­ti­vely ranked on plat­forms for con­sumer pro­tec­tion like Kos­me­ti­kana­lyse or Code­check. Further­more, Belico gua­ran­tees that no animal expe­ri­ments will be car­ried out and no third par­ties assigned to tests at ani­mals of any kind.

Belico pre­pa­ra­tions are also recom­mended for vegan skin care by PETA, the lar­gest animal pro­tec­tion orga­niza­tion in Ger­many.


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